Hello again everyone, another brand new post time! As you may hopefully be able to tell, i've had a little inspiration (and time) recently for 3 brand new posts and i'm keeping my fingers crossed this lasts throughout the year! In today's post, i'm going to share with you my '2018 wishlist' - hence the title - where i'll share what I want to achieve, do, see, where I would like to travel or aim toward travelling to or just any goals/ambitions i'd like to start to work toward during 2018. If you read my 2nd most recent post, I apologise if this repeats/overlaps in any way, but none the less - I hope you enjoy!
I'm going to be realistic in this post, i'm not going to say things like wanting to 'get over' my depression and anxiety, because mental health isn't something you can just get over, it takes time but I definitely do want to work on it more this year. So what really do I want to achieve this year? Well, i'm not really 100% sure. I think one of the main things is definitely work. I'm not necessarily saying I want to be in a new job by the end of the year but I definitely would like to feel more appreciated and learn and achieve more work wise in whatever way I can, and if that means looking for and potentially getting a new job, then so be it!
I'd like to aim toward becoming a better blogger and posting more often. I want to post whenever I can and not worry about what others opinions of it are. It's something I enjoy doing so why shouldn't I take it a bit more seriously and be proud of it?! I'm definitely going to start reading and following more blogs too - never know what inspiration I may find by doing that.
2018 is also the year I definitely want to travel more - I know this sounds the 'typical' thing to say but it's something I would like to do. I want to see more of the world and have already got a couple of trips planned - they just need to be finalised but they're definitely looking exciting! I can't go to as many places as i'd like but I can definitely use this year to plan some future trips! If anyone has any tips or ideas on where I should go, please do let me know as i'd love to hear any suggestions!
I'd also like to potentially start up a youtube channel. This is something i've thought about for a long time and have attempted to give it a go before but never really followed through. I guess that's just the fear of failing, the fear of just being awful at it or no one being interested, but i'm planning on giving it a go at least, as the saying goes "you never know unless you try".
All in all I am hoping for 2018 to be a good year. It's only mid January but it's already been a bit of a mix of ups and downs but hey, nothing is ever going to be perfect and no year is ever going to be perfect. We have to be the ones to make our days, weeks, months or years as good as they can be and that's what i'm hoping to do this year!
I hope you all enjoyed this post and thank you so much for reading! Please let me know your thoughts and what your ambitions/goals for 2018 are! I'll hopefully be back soon with another post.
Love Beki x
Strong, wonderful lady. Even so much as having goals, ambition, and even a sparkle of determination for the year ahead had put you right up there with the very BEST. You sound really focused, and remember, even if you DON'T feel great some days, or feel like you've "fallen behind", don't panic. Just do things for the good of you. Take a day off, take a week off, you are the BOSS. Excited to see your journey develop xx
This is super lovely! Thank you so much, i'll definitely keep up with your posts also! Xx